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God has recently been highlighting "fire" and "baptism of Holy Spirit" for me. The prayer that has been resonating is,

Father, give me a fire that will consume me, those around me, and the nations! Give me the nations.

나를 태우고, 내 주위를 태우고, 열방을 태울 불을 내려주소서

If this resonates anyone, may we be praying big, bold prayers.

Edit: Ha! This was in my reading today, God is so good
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." (Luke 3 16)

A couple of months ago, Psalm 2 resonated in my spirit -- "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." My initial reaction was, 'I thought this was only for Jesus' but it kept resonating, so I prayed "Give me the nations!!!".

Then one morning in January, I was reading Revelations and this stirred up something deep down in my belly -- "To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations" (Rev 2), which reminded me of the verse from Psalm 2. So I prayed again, "Give me the nations!" 

After my morning devotional, I started listening to a sermon, which was addressing something in my life directly so I knew God had aligned it. Then to my surprise, the pastor wrapped up the sermon with the exact same verse "To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations" and went into prayer. ( was confirmation for me that the verses from Psalm 2, Rev 2, and this prayer was from God and something He wanted me to pray. So I've been praying this since, and it still comes from the deep part of my belly. 

Give me the nations!


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